Presto 0.167 发布了,Presto 是 Facebook 开源的数据查询引擎,可对250PB以上的数据进行快速地交互式分析,查询的速度达到商业数据仓库的级别。据称该引擎的性能是Hive的 10 倍以上。
Presto 可以查询包括 Hive、Cassandra 甚至是一些商业的数据存储产品。单个 Presto 查询可合并来自多个数据源的数据进行统一分析。
Fix planning failure when a window function depends on the output of another window function.
Fix planning failure for certain aggregation with both ``DISTINCT`` and ``GROUP BY``.
Fix incorrect aggregation of operator summary statistics.
Fix a join issue that could cause joins that produce and filter many rows
to monopolize worker threads, even after the query has finished.
Expand plan predicate pushdown capabilities involving implicitly coerced types.
Short-circuit inner and right join when right side is empty.
Optimize constant patterns for ``LIKE`` predicates that use an escape character.
Validate escape sequences in ``LIKE`` predicates per the SQL standard.
Reduce memory usage of :func:`min_by` and :func:`max_by`.
Add :func:`transform_keys`, :func:`transform_values` and :func:`zip_with` lambda functions.
Add :func:`levenshtein_distance` function.
Add JMX stat for the elapsed time of the longest currently active split.
Add JMX stats for compiler caches.
Raise required Java version to 8u92.
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